Phuket Law Firm

Phuket Law Firm

Thinking about a Phuket law firm? If you are looking at investing in Phuket then consider speaking to a lawyer in Phuket for assistance with retirement, property investment, marriage or starting a business while in Thailand. Below is what you might be considering in Phuket either as a businessman or as a retiree. Always speak to a lawyer for more information as these are just brief examples.

Phuket Law Firm

Retirement in Phuket:

Many expats and foreigners retire in Phuket as it has good infrastructure as well as excellent hospitals and an excellent view of the Gulf of Thailand. The retirement process beings in your home country where you will need to apply for a Thai “O-A” visa which gives you 90 days to extend this visa to a 12 month visa for Thailand. You will also need to speak to your lawyer about the financial requirements of the retirement visa. Always speak to a law firm in Thailand about this.

Marriage in Phuket:

Many visit Phuket to get married as it offers some of the most scenic backdrops for any marriage. There are many hotels and resorts which cater to marriage arrangements in Phuket. They don’t however offer a service to register your marriage in Phuket. If you are looking for an easy solution then speak to a law firm located on the island for more information and discuss the process of getting your marriage registered in Thailand.

Starting a Business:

If you have ideas of starting a business on the island or on other island in the Gulf of Thailand. Places such as on Koh Samui then your best bet is to take legal advice. This on how to register a Thai limited company and also how to obtain a work permit for your business. There are many expatriate business located in Koh Samui as well as in other parts of the Gulf of Thailand as many do this during their retirement and opt for a work permit instead of a retirement visa. You will also need to find an accountant in Phuket to assist you with your annual audit in Thailand and these are easy to solve.

Buying Property:

Always ensure that you do a due diligence report on any property you are considering buying in Thailand. The property laws in Thailand are very complex as foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand. Places such as Samui, Phuket and Pattaya are already crowed and property prices are always on the increase. Consider your options with regards to property such as a long term lease agreement. Maybe registering a superficies or usufruct over property. That you would like to retire in. There is also the option of placing your property in the name of your Thai wife however these create their own problems in the event of a divorce.

Family Law:

Getting divorced in Phuket can be difficult. There are normally the two options when everyone can agree. An unopposed divorce with a divorce agreement settles these issues. When however there are property disputes this can become complicated and very costly. Always see legal advice when you are considering a divorce.

Speak to an attorney in Phuket for more information or find a law firm in Phuket that can assist you with all your legal and accounting questions.

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